
The Network of European Bagpipers – Erasmus + Project


338895088_236573532169652_6042044568866663659_nOn December 8-12, a Georgian delegation visited Latvia within the framework of the project „The Network of European Bagpipers”. The members of the delegation were: Master and virtuoso performer of Chiboni (Bagpipe) Murad Tavartkiladze from Keda region, deputy director of IRCTP Nino Razmadze and specialist of IRCTP Baia Zhuzhunadze.

The two-year project is implemented by the Erasmus+ program and unites the representatives of 6 countries. Tha aim of the project is to safeguard and to promote specific part of ICH (bagpipes playing and making tradition). With joined forces to strengthen both the capacity of their staff and organizations and to promote the knowledge and skills of their target groups, practitioners of ICH.

Project partners are:

  • Suiti Cultural Heritage Foundation (Latvia) – Coordinating partner;
  • Centre of Croatian traditional instruments (Croatia);
  • Associazione culturale Multietnica (Italy);
  • Asociación Gaiteros de Graus (Spain);
  • Cech slovenskych gajdosov (Slovakia);
  • Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire (Georgia)

Concerts and workshops were held within the framework of the visit to Latvia, which gave the participants of the project an opportunity to share the traditions and experience of their countries. The host country of the second stage of the project is Georgia.

See the booklet



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