ISSN 1512-2883 (#1-7)
eISSN 2346-7614 (#8-)
Bulletin of the International Centre for Traditional Polyphony of Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire
The bilingual bulletin of the IRCTP provides the information on the performance and in study of traditional music.
The Bulletin encompasses various themes: novelties from Georgia’s ethnomusicological life; articles on Georgian and foreign scholars, song-masters and performers; Georgian and foreign folk ensembles; Georgian and foreign traditional polyphony and instrumental music; materials from old press on the problems topical for today; field expeditions; information on the cultural centers of Georgia (museums, ethnographic institutions, etc). Each volume includes the history of one Georgian song together with the notation of the example.
The IRCTP bulletin was founded in 2004 as part of the UNESCO project “Safeguarding and Promotion of Georgian Polyphony”. # 1-7 (editor Rususdan Tsurtsumia) were published as printed volumes, but volumes from #8 (editor Maka Khardziani) are accessible only online. New volumes are uploaded in January and June at the Centre’s Web Site
The IRCTP Bulletin is open for cooperation with anyone whose article corresponds with the thematic of the edition. For this the authors should contact the editor at
The deadlines for submission:
December volume – November 15
June volume – April 15
Previous volumes of the Bulletin are accessible at:
#37 Billetin (December, 2024)
#36 Billetin (June, 2024)
#35 Bulletin (December, 2023)
#34 Bulletin (June, 2023)
#33 bulletin (December, 2022)
#32 bulletin (June, 2022)
#31 bulletin (December, 2021)
#30 bulletin (June, 2021)
#29 bulletin (December, 2020)
#28 bulletin (June, 2020)
#27 bulletin (December, 2019)
#26 bulletin (June, 2019)
#25 bulletin (December, 2019)
#24 bulletin (June, 2018)
#23-bulletin (December, 2017)
#22 Bulletin (June, 2017)
#21 Bulletin (December, 2016)
#20 Bulletin (June, 2016)
#19 bulletin (December, 2015)
#18 bulletin (June, 2015)
#17 bulletin (December, 2014)
#16 bulletin (June, 2014)
#15 bulletin (December, 2013)
#14 bulletin (June, 2013)
#13 bulletin (December, 2012)
#12 bulletin (June, 2012)
#11 bulletin (December, 2011)
#10 bulletin (June, 2011)
#9 bulletin (December, 2010)
#8 bulletin (June, 2010)
#7 bulletin (December, 2007)
#6 bulletin (June, 2007)
#5 bulletin (December, 2006)
#4 bulletin (June, 2006)
#3 bulletin (December, 2005)
#2 bulletin (June, 2005)
#1 bulletin (December, 2004)