
The International Research Center for Traditional Polyphony of Tbilisi State Conservatoire published an English language collection of ethnomusicological works “Echoes from Georgia: Seventeen Arguments on Georgian Polyphony” in 2010. the project was realized with the support of Nova Science Publishers (USA), with the participation of Mr. Frank Columbus (President of the Publishing House) and Mrs. Nadya Gotsiridze – Columbus (Vice President), for this Georgian ethnomusicologists are grateful to them.

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In 2006-2008 the International Research Centre for Traditional polyphony realized the project “Echoes from the Past – Transmission of wax cylinder collections on digital media” with financial support of Georgian Ministry of Culture, Monument Protection and Sport, and support of Vienna phonogrammarchiv; as part of the project Mr. Franz Lechleitner of Vienna Phonogrammarchiv visited Georgia twice and with his device transmitted the Georgian folk songs from wax cylinders to digital media. This was followed by the publication of the catalogue and 16 audio CDs in three stages. The recordings underwent minimal processing in order to maintain initial sounding at most, which increases scientific value of the publication and grants it original meaning.

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This publication of the IRCTP is the first manual of Georgian folk music in the 100-year history of Georgian ethnomusicology and 80-year history of Tbilisi State Conservatoire; this text-book publishes as part of the UNESCO program (2005), is primarily intended for the Conservatoire students of Performance Departments and all interested in Georgian folk song; it covers all basic issues of Georgian folk music, discusses all Georgian folk music dialects. Theoretical topics are enclosed with 60 recently-deciphered songs presented on two CDs. The authors of the text-book are Tamaz Gabisonia and Tamar Meskhi with Rusudan Tsurtsumia as a responsible editor.

In 2005 the International Research Centre for Traditional Polyphony published the collection “Essays on Georgian Ethnomusicology” (in English) with the support of UNESCO. The publication aimed providing scientific information on Georgian folk music, its dialects, forms of polyphony and important issues. The collection includes Ilia Chavchavadze’s essay “Georgian Folk Music” and works of Georgian scientists of different times (Aleksandre Jambakur-Orbeliani, Ivane Javakhishvili, Shalva aslanishvili, Dimitri Araqishvili, Grigol Chkhikvadze), reflecting the origin and development of Georgian musical folkloristics.


The CD published in 2003 presents the materials of Kakheti expedition (1952) preserved at the Georgian Folk Music Laboratory; the expedition members were Grigol Chkhikvadze (leader), Otar Chijavadze, Eduard Savitsky, temur Eristavi, Kakhi Rosebashvili and Alexandre Bukia.

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ISSN 1512-2883 (#1-7)

eISSN 2346-7614 (#8-)

Bulletin of the International Centre for Traditional Polyphony of  Vano Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire

The bilingual bulletin of the IRCTP provides the information on the performance and in study of traditional music.

The Bulletin encompasses various themes: novelties from Georgia’s ethnomusicological life; articles on Georgian and foreign scholars, song-masters and performers; Georgian and foreign folk ensembles; Georgian and foreign traditional polyphony and instrumental music; materials from old press on the problems topical for today; field expeditions; information on the cultural centers of Georgia (museums, ethnographic institutions, etc). Each volume includes the history of one Georgian song together with the notation of the example.

The IRCTP bulletin was founded in 2004 as part of the UNESCO project “Safeguarding and Promotion of Georgian Polyphony”. # 1-7 (editor Rususdan Tsurtsumia) were published as printed volumes, but volumes from #8 (editor Maka Khardziani) are accessible only online. New volumes are uploaded in January and June at the Centre’s Web Site

The IRCTP Bulletin is open for cooperation with anyone whose article corresponds with the thematic of the edition.  For this the authors should contact the editor at

The deadlines for submission:

December volume – November 15

June volume – April 15


Previous volumes of the Bulletin are accessible at:

#37 Billetin (December, 2024)

#36 Billetin (June, 2024)

#35 Bulletin (December, 2023)

#34 Bulletin (June, 2023)

#33 bulletin (December, 2022)

#32 bulletin (June, 2022)

#31 bulletin (December, 2021)

#30 bulletin (June, 2021)

#29 bulletin (December, 2020)

#28 bulletin (June, 2020)

#27 bulletin (December, 2019)

#26 bulletin (June, 2019)

#25 bulletin (December, 2019)

#24 bulletin (June, 2018)

#23-bulletin (December, 2017)

#22 Bulletin (June, 2017)

#21 Bulletin (December, 2016)

#20 Bulletin (June, 2016)

#19 bulletin (December, 2015)

#18 bulletin (June, 2015)

#17 bulletin (December, 2014)

#16 bulletin (June, 2014)

#15 bulletin (December, 2013)

#14 bulletin (June, 2013)

#13 bulletin (December, 2012)

#12 bulletin (June, 2012)

#11 bulletin (December, 2011)

#10 bulletin (June, 2011)

#9 bulletin (December, 2010)

#8 bulletin (June, 2010)

#7 bulletin (December, 2007)

#6 bulletin (June, 2007)

#5 bulletin (December, 2006)

#4 bulletin (June, 2006)

#3 bulletin (December, 2005)

#2 bulletin (June, 2005)

#1 bulletin (December, 2004)


978-3-659-48841-2-full (1)

Maps and musical examples for book Choral Singing in Human Culture and Evolution 

You can find here 15 maps of distribution of various styles of traditional polyphony in Europe and the world, a map of distribution of stuttering in the world, and also 49 musical examples from various world cultures. These maps and musical examples are complementary to Joseph Jordania’s book “Choral Singing in Human Culture and Evolution” (Lambert Academic Publishers, Saarbrucken, 2015).

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The Modal Characteristics of Georgian Folk Song

Georgian folk musical culture has a century-old history. Until today the Georgians have preserved songs from various historical times. It looks like the people of Georgia have passed these songs to the present-day generation from the distant past, the fact which raises great scholarly interest. Georgian folk song has absorbed diverse musical-stylistic streams, all of which reflect the musical thinking of various historical epochs.

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